How To Choose The Right Business Phone System

As a business, it is crucial to have an efficient and reliable phone system for seamless communication. Whether you’re a startup or an established enterprise, the right business phone system can significantly enhance your team’s collaboration and customer service.

However, with so many options available, choosing the best fit for your company can be overwhelming. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the different types of business phone systems and help you make an informed decision.

Understanding Different Types of Business Phone Systems

Before diving into the specifics, it’s essential to understand the types of business phone systems on the market.

Traditional Landline Systems

These are the classic phone systems that have been around for decades. They rely on copper wiring provided by local or regional telephone companies. While they are known for their reliability and familiarity, they lack some of the advanced features modern businesses require.

VoIP Systems

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) systems use your internet connection instead of traditional phone lines to make calls. This technology offers a range of features and flexibility that can be particularly beneficial for businesses with a strong internet infrastructure.

Virtual Phone Systems

Virtual systems are designed to connect a main business number to remote workers using their mobile or home phones. These systems are ideal for businesses with a distributed workforce or those who want to maintain a professional image without investing in physical office space.

Cloud and On-Premises Systems

Both cloud-based and on-premises systems utilise VoIP technology but differ in where the hardware is hosted. Cloud-based solutions house all hardware off-site with a service provider, while on-premises solutions keep everything within your business location.

Comparing Office Phone Systems

When comparing office phone systems, there are several factors you should consider, such as–

1. Features

Modern office phone systems have features that can significantly enhance your team’s communication capabilities. Here are some essential functions to look for:

  • Call Transfer: Allows you to redirect a call to another extension or phone number.
  • Hold: Enables you to place callers on hold, often with music or messages.
  • Hunt Groups: Distributes incoming calls within a predefined group of extensions.
  • Conference Calling Capabilities: Facilitates multi-party calls for meetings or collaborative sessions.
  • Automated Attendants (IVRs): Provide automated menus to guide callers through options and direct them to the appropriate department or individual.
  • Voicemail-to-Email Transcription Services: Converts voicemail messages into text and sends them directly to your email.

These features can streamline operations and improve customer interactions by ensuring that calls are managed efficiently and professionally.


 2. Scalability

As your business grows, so should your phone system—without causing disruptions or requiring significant additional investment. Look for systems that allow easy addition of lines or integration of new technologies. Cloud-based VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) systems are remarkably scalable as they typically offer flexible subscription models based on the number of users.


3. Integration

A good business phone system should not stand alone but integrate seamlessly with other tools.

  • CRM Software Integration– Integrating with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software can enable click-to-call functionality, call logging, and easy access to customer information during calls.
  • Email Client Integration– Some systems allow voicemails to be received and managed through email.

These integrations provide a unified communication experience that can lead to increased efficiency and better data management.


 4. Mobility

With remote work becoming the new norm, mobile integration is crucial for teams that aren’t always desk-bound. Many modern systems offer mobile apps that replicate the functionality of desk phones on smartphones or tablets. They also ensure that employees can connect to the office phone system from anywhere in the world, increasing work flexibility.


5. Reliability

The reliability of an office phone system is crucial. Investigate potential systems’ uptime statistics—look for providers who guarantee high availability. Additionally, read reviews from current users about their experiences with the system’s reliability.


 6. Support

Ensure that customer support is available when needed—24/7 support may be necessary for businesses operating across different time zones. Consider whether support is offered via phone, email, live chat, or self-service portals.



Understanding Business Phone System Costs

Whether connecting with clients, collaborating with team members, or managing remote workers, having a reliable and efficient phone system is crucial. However, the cost of implementing and maintaining a business phone system can be a significant factor in the decision-making process.

Traditional Landline Systems

Traditional landline systems have been the backbone of business communications for decades. These systems rely on physical copper wiring and often require Private Branch Exchange (PBX) hardware to manage multiple lines and extensions within an office. The PBX hardware acts as the central hub for all telephone communications in the company.

The initial investment for a traditional landline system can be quite high due to the cost of purchasing the PBX hardware, which typically ranges between $500 to $1,000 per user. This upfront cost includes the hardware, installation fees, and any additional wiring that may be necessary. Moreover, maintenance costs for traditional landline systems can add up over time. Furthermore, long-distance calls made through landlines can significantly increase monthly bills.

VoIP Systems

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) systems represent a modern approach to business telephony using internet connectivity to make and receive calls. VoIP systems are known for their flexibility and feature-rich services, such as voicemail-to-email transcription, call forwarding, and video conferencing capabilities.

One of the main advantages of VoIP is its minimal hardware requirements; many businesses can use their existing computers or mobile devices to access their phone system. This translates into lower initial costs compared to traditional landlines. VoIP services typically operate on a subscription model with monthly fees ranging from $70 to $80 per user. These fees generally include access to advanced features without additional charges for long-distance calls.

Virtual Phone Systems

Virtual phone systems are designed primarily as call-forwarding solutions that route incoming calls to another phone number, like a mobile phone or home line. This type of system is particularly beneficial for small businesses or those with employees who work remotely.

Pricing for virtual phone systems varies depending on features but tends to range from $30 to $70 per user each month. While they offer less functionality than full-fledged VoIP or traditional systems, virtual phone services are an affordable option that provides basic telephony features such as voicemail, call screening, and online management tools.

Cloud-Based Systems

Cloud-based phone systems are similar to VoIP in that they use internet connectivity but differ in that they are hosted off-site by a service provider rather than on-premises hardware. This eliminates most hardware costs associated with setting up a phone system.

When considering cloud-based options, it’s important to evaluate vendors’ reliability and security measures since your communications will depend on their infrastructure. Monthly fees for cloud-based solutions generally range from $10 to $75 per user, depending on the features included in the package you select. Advanced features like CRM integration, artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities, and unlimited calling plans can affect pricing tiers.

Remember that these cost estimates are just starting points—actual prices may vary based on your specific needs and any additional services or features you select. It’s essential to get quotes from multiple providers and thoroughly assess what each plan includes before making your final decision.


Choosing the right business phone system is crucial for efficient organisational communication. Understand the different types of business phone systems, compare their features and costs and make an informed decision that best suits your business needs.

Ready to upgrade your business communication? At C2 Communication, we offer a range of reliable and efficient business phone systems tailored to your needs. Contact us today to learn more about our services and get a free quote.

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